The Back Door to The Morgue

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Dunia ini penuh dengan pengecut, Mereka menginginkanmu menjadi seperti mereka, Menjadi menyedihkan, rendah hati, dan sopan Ludahi wajah mereka, Beraki mulut mereka, Dunia yang dilanggar Kutu-kutu kehidupan.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Prayers to god~

 Dear GOD,
          This is my prayers to you.
 ALLAH, THE ALMIGHTY GOD. For all this while I have been searching for nothing more than your blessings and attention. 

O God, Please don't ever abandoned me.
Please guide me!

Grant me Your love!


~ My Prayers Forever Accompanying You ~

         Once again, I send you a letter with the hope that it finds you well. In all honesty, whenever you were gone, the emptiness in my heart becomes unbearable and i wish i could do this in person while holding you in my arms. 
         I think of you everyday------I have lived for a long time dependent upon no one and committed to no one except myself, I consider the world is mine for the taking and truly i believed i was living life to the fullest. Then you come into the picture, and all of a sudden I realize that i was fooling myself.

        I am an incomplete woman in need of wholeness. I find that my life is not all that i thought it was. It's terribly lacking in many things, the foremost being love. Now, through some great fortune, I have found that love and a long with it the one person who can make my life truly complete. 

YOU are that person, and i have somehow fallen hopelessly and undeniably in love with YOU. To be honest, I never thought i would ever utter those words, but now, they come fourth effortlessly and with great sincerity. 

I'll be forever grateful to YOU for showing me just how shallow my heart was. 

I will remain totally yours in thought, heart and soul .

~ Johnny Hollow Alchemy ~