The Back Door to The Morgue

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Dunia ini penuh dengan pengecut, Mereka menginginkanmu menjadi seperti mereka, Menjadi menyedihkan, rendah hati, dan sopan Ludahi wajah mereka, Beraki mulut mereka, Dunia yang dilanggar Kutu-kutu kehidupan.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Aku NAK ~

Dalam kehidupan aku tak akan berhenti cari kebahagiaan - Cita-cita aku, nak cari kebahagiaan dalam hidup.Ya, mungkin bunyi mcam skema dan fucking fake, tapi itulah yang aku nak dalam hidup.Aku percaya aku boleh bertanggungjawab pada diri aku sendiri dengan memilih cara hidup aku sendiri.

Pernah dengar term - "College, Work, Family" ? What I meant was, First you go to school, after you finish your studies you get to work. And then, arrives the moment where you got the urge to get married. And after that, - BOOM ! You got your children.

Wait for a sec, don't y'all think it's fucking boring?
I mean, this is your life brother. Your game, don't you think it's fucking boring? It's this breeding stupidity system that we have lived for years and unknowingly has been eating the shit out of us. Aku penah baca satu buku - lebih kurang macam buku la. Cerita pasai geng hitchhikers yang mengembara seluruh Asia dan Eropah. Berjalan dan merantau berdasarkan matlamat - Nak teroka dunia yang mereka huni ini, berkenalan dengan manusia dan tengok keindahan alam. 

Don't y'all think it's cool?

  - You can buy a beautiful car, but you can't buy a beautiful life - 

Bila fikir balik apa yang dia kata tu aku rasa betul jugak. Memang, boleh beli semua benda yang kita nak tapi kehidupan yang bahagia memang tak boleh beli kat mana-mana pun. Aku nak kehidupan yang penuh kebahagian. Life is too short depends on what you do. It's about the first time you get out of the house, and what you see is what you get.I want to see many things in my life, I wanna live life and learn the fact of life. One of my friend once ask - Don't you feel cheated?. I told her - I decided that this is not the story of a shut in stupid gal. This is a story of a girl who can find infinite beauty in anything she likes.

Life sometimes make me think, - why do i think this way? Why do i wish to live this kind of life? Why is my passion is not the same as others? How wonderful it is to be able to live as a free man and to travel everywhere you want. That is a beautiful life. That is enough for me.

- It's not about escape, it's about discovery -

Salah satu cara nak tengok keindahan dunia lg, aku lebih memilih cycling. Cyling is fucking COOL !
Ya tuhan, semoga satu hari nanti aku dapat buat semua ini. 

Life is beautiful - Let's get the fuck out and enjoy the beau baby ! 

The morning wind
Spread it's fresh smell,
We must get up and take that in,
That wind that lets us live.
Breath before it's gone.

 Traveling around the world - See the real world - Meet the real people

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